Start Your Day The Night Before

The most productive part of your day happens the night before.
If you set aside 10-30 minutes each night to plan for the coming day, you’ll wake up with a purpose and will be ready to act on your to priorities for the day. Developing an evening routine may not only help you get better sleep by not rushing through the morning but will also help set your day for success.
It may take adjustment to find an evening routine that works for you. Start with these suggestions Cydcor has for you and see if they help you start the day off on the right foot.
Get Alarmed
Decide on a bedtime and stick to it. Get up at the same time every morning. Set an alarm to remind you to start your evening preparations. Consider using a fun and friendly alarm tone if it makes getting up easier—whatever works. The key here is actually getting up when the alarm goes off—resist the urge to hit that snooze button! Be ready to wake up and start the day with an optimistic attitude.
Plan Your Meals
Healthy eating provides the energy and stamina you need throughout the day. Just before bed, prep next day’s breakfast, make your lunch, and decide what you’ll have for dinner the following evening. You may finally eat that broccoli you always say you’re going to eat—instead of just ordering takeout due to having to run for a last minute meal.
Straighten Up
Walk around your living space and put away things that are out of place. Wash your dishes and put them away. Waking up in a clean house reduces your stress levels and gives your day a calm start. Plus, when you get home at the end of the day, you’ll feel relaxed instead of stressed about all the tidying that needs to get done.
Dress Rehearsal
Pick out your clothes for the next day. Organizing your clothes and planning your outfits takes the stress out of getting dressed. You’ll know when laundry needs to be done and you won’t have to fuss with indecision in the morning when you’re still trying to just wake up. This is simply one of the best ways to always dress for success
Review Your Day
Take a look at your calendar and review tasks for the next day. Identify one or two things you want to accomplish. Study your schedule for any potential problems and schedule time to address them.
Get Inspired
Once your evening tasks are complete, read that book next to your bed. Find a writer or topic that will inspire a positive attitude and personal growth. Be sure to check out Cydcor’s recommended books that every manager needs to read. You’ll conquer your day with enthusiasm, optimism, a nourishing breakfast, and a killer sense of style.
Do you have an evening routine that makes your day more productive? Share your tips on Twitter and follow us @Cydcor. We want to know what works for you.
We are Cydcor, the recognized leader in outsourced sales services. From our humble beginnings as an independent sales company based in Canada to garnering a reputation as the global leader in outsourced sales, Cydcor has come a long way. We’ve done this by having exceptional sales professionals and providing our clients with proven sales and marketing strategies that get results.