Getting Back Into Your Work Groove After a Business Conference

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The day you return to the office from a business trip will be focused on getting caught up on work that you missed. If possible, don’t schedule any meetings during your re-entry. Here are some other great tips for how to get back into the groove of the workplace.
Stay In Touch While You’re Away
Use social media to stay in touch with your team at work, as well as your family and friends. Check your email and voicemail so messages don’t pile up. Even though you have set up a system to control your workflow while you’re out of the office, things sometimes slip through the net. Let your team members know that you’re working on various problems. Ask them for help with items you can’t complete while you’re away.
Share What You Learned
Take notes, save hard copies of presentations, get links to PDFs, and document events with photos, if possible. Once you’re back at the office, build your notes into a PowerPoint presentation to share with your team members and on social media. Cover these topics:
- Describe your most memorable experience
- Explain the problems you had before and the solutions you found
- Share how inspiring messages from a speaker motivated you
- Teach some new ways of doing things
Sharing what you learned at the conference improves your skills as a mentor and lets your supervisor see your leadership abilities.
LinkedIn and Facebook are powerful business tools that give you an opportunity to share new business insights. They’re powerful publishing platforms that can amplify your industry’s voice.
Building Your Network
Assemble all of the business cards you collected during the conference and get them into your contact database on your first day back in the office. Your records should include where you met this contact and how you connected during the event. Take note of what you discussed or an event you both attended. Paying attention to these details will make contacting him or her easier because you shared a personal experience.
Reach out to conference contacts on social media and ask them to connect with you. Send your contacts a short email and remind them about how you met. If you feel that you established a strong relationship with someone and they suggested that you to call, follow through on their invitation. Use this experience to build your networks and your connections.