Cydcor Reviews Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World

About Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by General Stanley McChrystal
General Stanley McChrystal ran into a dilemma when he took command of the Joint Special Operations Task Force in 2004. McChrystal and his colleagues wanted to go against conventional ideas and remake the Task Force into something new: a network that combined transparent communication with decision-making authority that wasn’t just coming from one place. This book is not just focused on the military, but is instead a collection of insightful ideas told through entertaining stories ranging from the business industry to the emergency room. The challenges that McChrystal and his force task faced in Iraq are relevant to countless businesses, nonprofits, and organizations. The world is changing faster than ever, and the smartest response for those in charge is to give smaller groups the freedom to experiment while driving everyone to share what they learn across the entire organization.
Why Cydcor Reviews recommends this to future leaders:
The principles of traditional leadership struggle to deal with today’s pace of change, free-flow of information, and the entrepreneurial spirit of the digital age. Team of Teams utilizes the new way of leading a team: providing a leadership framework to produce and adapt, such as a fast-moving start-up, for organizations of any size. The book provides a blueprint for how to cope with increasing complexity in the world of running a team.
Our favorite part:
This book is recommended for leaders and associates from any type of organization that need to break down the effects of the information flow to make better decisions. Today, many ways of leading are ineffective in an increasingly complex environment. But this is not just a book about the latest way to become a great leader, the book hits its stride when it focuses on becoming the kind of leader that can develop and run an entire workforce of other great leaders. McChrystal challenges leaders to create organizations that are agile, transparent, and united rather than hierarchical, and which empower their people to work together for a better solution. A team needs to be trained well, and allowed to trust their gut. They need to be able to use their best judgment based on their training and knowledge