Category: Philanthropy

October 10, 2013

Thousands of reasons… (and dollars) to smile!

This past weekend, the Cydcor team hosted our first “Day of Smiles,” a fundraiser held throughout the United States and Canada among our network of independently-owned sales companies for Operation Smile.  In addition to our own team members, more than 200 participating sales companies put their sales powers to work to raise money to provide cleft palate surgeries for children! Though we have been supporters for years – and have raised enough for two medical missions, one of which took […]

October 4, 2013

Using Sales Power for Good: Cydcor on Fundraising

This week the team at Cydcor and its network of independent sales offices will launch the Day of Smiles campaign for Operation Smile.  Operation Smile is a nonprofit that provides cleft palate surgeries to children all over the world.  One in ten children globally are born with a cleft palate, and many of them do not survive past the age of one.  This summer, Cydcor and its sales network were able to a medical mission that would provide downs of […]

October 3, 2013

Vera Quinn on the Day of Smiles

I have been with Cydcor for seventeen years.  In 2010, we launched our partnership with Operation Smile.  The work we do to raise money for this cause has added an extra level of meaning to the work we do at Cydcor and our community.  We were already giving employees volunteer hours and donated to charities, but we especially appreciate our special relationship with Operation Smile. I was able to participate in the mission last year, and I got to see […]

October 2, 2013

Day of Smiles Launched This Week!

Cydcor and its network of independently owned sales offices will be working together to raise funds for Operation Smile from October 4th – 6th .  The goal is to fund another medical mission over the next week.  Cydcor and its network have already funded one mission over the summer, and the new goal for the year is set at $400,000.  Fundraisers will be independently organized by each sales company and everyone is encouraged to implement their own creative ideas to […]

September 25, 2013

Medical Mission #2 Funded

Cydcor worked together with the network of independent sales companies to create fundraising events to raise enough money to fund a medical mission for Operation Smile. The trip, at a total of $150,000, will fund a team of surgeons to help correct cleft palates in poor countries. Independent sales companies sold brown bag lunches, threw parties, held events and sales, and many more creative ideas from coast to coast. Check out our video of all of our fantastic, engaged team […]

September 20, 2013

Cydcor Operation Smile Garage Sale Funds Two More Surgeries!

Garage Sale Funds Two More Surgeries! A big thank-you to our team members who volunteered to come out last Saturday for our MEGA Garage sale to raise money for Operation Smile.  We raised over $600, which is enough to help two children have a better life by restoring their smile. The sale took place on Saturday, September 7th from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Earth Elementary School’s basketball courts.  Gently used items were donated by Cydcor team members just […]

May 6, 2013

Operation Smile Gala at Cipriani!

Last weekend, selected independent sales company owners from Cydcor’s network attended the Operation Smile black-tie gala at Cipriani in New York City. They had the opportunity to rub elbows with celebrities, interact with other high-level fundraisers, and celebrated their accomplishments together. It was definitely a time to be celebrated; those selected have worked tirelessly with their sales companies to creatively fundraise for the organization, using creative resources to motivate their teams and help children across the globe receive new smiles. […]

November 26, 2012

Cydcor Team Members Take Part in Blood Drive

On November 10th, a local elementary school hosted their annual blood drive for The American Red Cross. Those interested could donate blood, be tested for a bone marrow match, or donate their hair. Several Cydcor team members jumped at the opportunity to help! They dedicated their time by checking in donors and assisting where needed. Team member Tara Cavallaro even donated her hair – 10 whole inches of it! “I was so glad to be able to help,” she says. […]

April 16, 2012
March 26, 2012

Cydcor’s Gardening Event at EARTHS Magnet School a Smashing Success

This past Saturday, Cydcor team members, along with the principal and teacher from EARTHS Magnet School, celebrated spring by participating in the school’s first gardening day! During the course of the day, the group pulled weeds, helped design and work on a butterfly garden, trimmed trees, and cleaned and completed other garden areas on campus. Cydcor has been working with the school for many months, tutoring children, providing meals for families over the holiday season, and creating a “giving tree” […]