Category: Philanthropy

December 4, 2015

Cydcor’s 2015 Thanksgiving Food Drive Supports Local Families

Once again this year, Cydcor team members organized a Thanksgiving Food Drive where several Cydcor employees donated and delivered food to families in need. Cydcor’s Thanksgiving Food Drive was organized to benefit Earths Magnet Elementary School in Newbury Park, CA. The National Wildlife Federation Fund has recognized this school as one of the Top 10 Eco-Schools in the country, meaning that it uses environmental education as a platform for teaching students about technology, engineering, and math. Students learn the importance […]

September 2, 2015

Cydcor’s Project Launch Inspires Success at Pacifica High School

Cydcor, the recognized leader in outsourced sales services, recently led an educational outreach experience project titled Project Launch for DECA Academy of Business students. Pacifica High School’s Academy Developing Entrepreneurial and Corporate Assets (DECA) Academy of Business is a career academy at Pacifica High School in Oxnard, CA. Cydcor introduced students to Project Launch on August 20th, continued with additional training on August 21st, and closed on August 28th with an announcement of program winners. Cydcor’s Project Launch program has […]

February 27, 2015

Cydcor’s Continues Operation Smile Partnership

Cydcor is excited to announce our continued relationship with Operation Smile. Operation Smile and Cydcor plan to fund two additional medical  missions, providing free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children in need around the globe. Cydcor’s relationship with Operation Smile began in 2010, and together we have helped heal nearly 2,100 smiles through fundraisers, donations, and our Week of Smiles fundraiser, to help fund charity medical missions to Guatemala, Mexico and Brazil. Through […]

February 6, 2015

My Cydcor and Operation Smile Experience – Darlene Mitchell

In November 2014, Cydcor sent a group of representatives on a medical mission trip to Guatemala for Operation Smile.  Our own Darlene Mitchell, Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Technology at Cydcor, wrote the following about her time in Guatemala: It was thrilling to join such an outstanding group on the Operation Smile medical mission to Guatemala. Though I was unsure what to expect, I knew we would touch the lives of others and, in turn, be forever changed […]

October 29, 2014

Cydcor Is Headed to Guatemala With Operation Smile!

  In March of this year, Cydcor volunteers went to San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, thanks to our Operation Smile fundraisers—which have raised over $480,000 for the children’s medical charity to date. Helping to fund cleft palate surgeries for needy children around the globe, Cydcor has previously volunteered in Brazil in 2012, where more than 600 surgeries were provided to children. Cydcor is proud of this partnership with Operation Smile, and with the great success of our Week of […]

October 10, 2014

Operation Smile ‘Week of Smiles’ Success Funds 125 Surgeries

Cydcor is excited to announce the success of our ‘Week of Smiles’ campaign, which served as a great opportunity for to work together to raise money for Operation Smile! Operation Smile is a children’s medical organization that helps children who have cleft lips and palates receive new smiles. It has offices across the country to raise awareness and funds. Cydcor is proud to be a part of the Operation Smile network. Our ‘Week of Smiles’ has raised over $30,000 for […]

March 13, 2014

Cydcor is in Mexico with Operation Smile this week!

Last year, Cydcor raised over $270,000 for Operation Smile to help fund cleft palate surgeries for needy children around the globe.  In July, the fundraiser surpassed $150,000, enough to fund a medical mission to another country.  The mission involves sending doctors, volunteers and equipment to an area where access to healthcare is difficult, and provide screenings and surgeries for children.  Cleft palates often result in complications eating, drinking and speaking, and many infants do not survive.  Those that do often […]

November 14, 2013

Recycling Trash Into Smiles

Recycling Trash Into Smiles! We know little things can add up to a big difference.  In continuing our fundraising work for Operation Smile, we have been collecting recyclables and donating the proceeds! We placed recycling containers designated especially for Operation Smile fundraising around the office. Once they are filled, a Cydcor team member volunteer brings the items to the recycling center to collect the refund. We have already raised enough for one Smile (each one is $240) and are well […]

November 13, 2013

Cydcor at EARTHS

Cydcor began a project working with EARTHS magnet school this year to mentor and tutor students for the elementary school. Each day of the week, two different team members from Cydcor volunteer for an hour in one of these classrooms, working with children and teachers on a variety of projects and learning sessions. Last year, Cydcor team members created literacy kits for faculty, which contained games and activities for students to encourage reading comprehension. Volunteers also assisted the school in […]

October 18, 2013

Cydcor Team Health and Happiness

After all the hard work and energy our team put into the Cydcor Day of Smiles event, we were ready for some fun and games! Our team recently got to let loose a little at our Cydcor Night Out.  Games, sunshine and smoothies were found at our gathering. At Cydcor, team member happiness is important to us.  We want to make sure our team is engaged, developed and feels a sense of purpose.  Sometimes that means having fun too.   […]