Category: Development

October 3, 2018

Get to Know Your Leadership Style

There’s no one right way to lead a team, but there are tried and true formulas for success. As you grow in your career, you’ll get more and more experience leading people. An understanding of different well-known and proven types of leadership can help you find the right path that resonates for you. Find the right leadership style for you, and set your team up for success. Democratic Leadership Style Democratic leaders strive to sincerely include their team in the […]

September 26, 2018

Tackling Tough Conversations

Two businesspeople standing face to face

No one likes conflict, but the good news is that the toughest conversations can also be the most fruitful. If you’re struggling to deliver negative feedback, there are lots of things you can do to minimize tension and achieve a positive result. Check out Cydcor’s tips for making your next difficult conversation go more smoothly. Listen and Acknowledge When emotions are running high, it helps to remind yourself to take a step back and just listen. Make an effort to […]

September 19, 2018

How to Become Your Own Best Career Advisor

Questions in the young woman's head high quality studio shot.

Just getting started in your career? Chances are, your brother’s new girlfriend, last night’s Uber driver, and your second cousin once-removed have all offered their wisdom. While, certainly, you’re lucky to be surrounded by a well-meaning community, deciphering good career advice from bad career advice is no easy task. When it comes to making smart career moves, the stakes couldn’t be higher. So, before you follow one of these four pieces of bad advice, be sure to think twice.   […]

August 29, 2018

Transforming Rejection into Personal Growth

Text: Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.

Rejection is a natural part of the sales process. It’s hard to avoid, and even harder to face. However, have you ever considered the silver lining of rejection? Maybe all of those “nos” have made you who you are today. Hearing “no” forces salespeople to climb out of their shell, think outside of the box, and reach for new horizons. Working in sales and facing “no” on a daily basis can help you build critical skills that can prepare you […]

August 15, 2018

The Best Mobile Apps for Career Success!

Mobile devices are more than just modern conveniences. In today’s business climate, having the right mobile tools at your disposal is critical to your professional survival. Staying connected around the clock is the accepted norm, not the exception and remaining competitive means keeping yourself up-to-date on the best apps to help you work smarter, faster, and better. As thousands of new apps are released into the market every day, staying current on the best and most effective apps for improving […]

August 1, 2018

4 Unusual Productivity Tips that Really Work

Business man with checklist and to do list. Man writing and drawing v sign check marks with hand and finger in square box. Project management, planning and keeping score of completed tasks concept.

Ah, productivity. It seems so simple, doesn’t it? Make a to-do list, prioritize it, then get to work! In reality, we all know this is much easier said than done. Thankfully, there are several surprisingly simple productivity tips and tricks that we can implement to make the most of our time. Check out the four productivity tips below.   1. Implement a Daily Drink and Think Let’s kick off this list with a productivity tip that’s sure to sound counter-intuitive: […]

July 18, 2018

Tips for Achieving Goals & Producing Results

Do You Want to Achieve More? sign

Demonstrating excellence isn’t just about doing what is expected; it’s also about achieving goals that may seem impossible. At Cydcor, we take our goals seriously. We don’t just set big goals because we like to impress clients and sound ambitious. We set big goals because we expect to achieve them, because we believe that going above and beyond should be the norm—not the exception. We like being good at what we do, but we aren’t satisfied until we’re great and […]

June 20, 2018

3 Ways to Take Action to Advance Your Career

Inspirational and motivational quotes - One year from now you will wish yo had started today.

If you’re serious about advancing your career, you have to be willing to take massive action—there’s no way around it. Top performers in any industry are those who know how to push themselves. They are constantly seeking out a new competitive edge, looking for ways to up their game and achieve the next level of results. Whether you are just beginning your career and want to get off to a strong start, or you are a seasoned veteran looking to […]

June 13, 2018

Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You: How to Stand Out from the Crowd & Achieve Success

You Are The Writer Of Your Own Story written on desert road

When asked for his advice on how to achieve success, renowned comedian, actor, and writer Steve Martin once said, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” But isn’t that easier said than done? We all want to be good at what we do, but how can you become so good that you stand out from the crowd? And, more specifically, what will you be good at? It’s tempting to say that you’d like to be good at everything you do, […]

June 6, 2018

Why Sales is a Great First Job

young man steps forward as he is called in for his interview and shakes hands with his possible new employer.

Finding your first job after college can be difficult. You’ve spent a great deal of time working towards your desired career, and you want to get it under way. The problem is that while you have the skills you need, you may not have the real world experience that employers are looking for. That’s why it’s important to weigh all of your options when you are searching for that first job. You may not have considered taking an entry level […]