Category: Development

August 28, 2014

How to Recharge Your Creativity

For more information about Cydcor, check out our profile on CrunchBase. Jack London once said of creativity, “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Waiting around for a spark of motivation or creativity isn’t always an effective option when you have clients to attend to. Sometimes you need to go out and find the inspiration yourself. Being creative can be exhausting, and sometimes the best way to recharge is to step away from […]

August 21, 2014

Top Tips for a Winning Sales Presentation

We are Cydcor, the recognized leader in outsourced sales services. An effective sales presentation is more than show-and-tell. You need to be strategic about how you present and illustrate an understanding of your client’s needs and wants. You also need to analyze the possible competition that client might be speaking to. It’s vital you have a clear pitch to present that demonstrates why your service or product is better, and why it is in the best interest of the customer […]

August 15, 2014

TED Talk: The Puzzles of Motivation

Dan Pink’s Puzzles of Motivation TED Talk asserts that the ways of “sticks and carrots” motivation is outdated and that people’s reaction to incentives has changed. To achieve peak efficiency in tasks, Pink suggests three tactics: autonomy, mastery and purpose. Autonomy, in Pink’s definition, is “the urge to direct our own lives.” Mastery is “the desire to get better and better something that matters.” And purpose is “the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger […]

August 14, 2014

Cydcor Trailblazers: What Makes a Leader

Dreamers and entrepreneurs are separated by one simple thing: the ability to successfully execute an idea. Assembling the right team to implement an innovative idea takes a strong leader at the helm to make it a reality. The term ‘leadership’ has various definitions, and everyone will have an opinion on the qualities a great leader should possess. However, there are universal key factors that the most successful trailblazers should have. Learn more about Cydcor  and our latest job openings on […]

August 1, 2014

The Secrets of Effective Motivation

We are Cydcor, the recognized leader in outsourced sales services. Check out our open job positions at the Cydcor CareerBuilder page. A lack of motivation at work is a difficult problem for many. There are many elements that can contribute to it: perhaps you feel overwhelmed with many tasks or have personal and family stressors that make it challenging to come into work raring to go. Get your motivation back by incentivizing yourself. Schedule something mid-day with co-workers, such as lunch or […]

July 23, 2014

The Keys to Successful Networking

Are you on Twitter? Follow Cydcor today for tweets regarding business, sales, leadership, and success. The concept of networking can make some people apprehensive, as many feel awkward or uncomfortable with getting to know others, and putting themselves and their businesses out there. Networking is certainly a skill that takes time to build and hone, and comes much easier to some than others. However, networking is a vital step towards taking you and your business to the next level. A […]

July 16, 2014

Creating Your Sales Pipeline

Pipeline management has become a major focus to organizations and salespeople throughout the years. This renewed focus has quickly highlighted problems that might have been hidden during ‘boom’ markets a few years ago, such as accuracy and a streamlined system. Cydcor is committed to examining these problems and finding solutions. When polled, 44% of senior sales professionals found that a major cause of frustration at their workplace stemmed from stalled opportunities. So what part or parts of a sales pipeline […]

July 11, 2014

How to Make Your Own Luck

A quote by Carl Zuckmayer says, “One-half is luck; the other half is discipline—and that’s the most important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what to do with luck.” Luck doesn’t just happen, and it’s Cydcor is a firm believer that it’s entirely possible to create your own. There are many events that happen over the course of an individual’s life that they have nothing to do with—both negative and positive occurrences. The concept of ‘luck’ is truly about […]

July 8, 2014

Tips for Increasing Your Productivity

Productivity is an ability that can be continuously improved upon. Staying productive in the workplace can sometimes be a challenge, and effective productivity is the combination of smart planning and focused efforts. Here are Cydcor’s tips for increasing your work productivity. Delegation: Learning to trust your colleagues in helping you complete work is an ability that some struggle with. However, everyone will need help every once in a while; be it covering for you while you are on vacation, handling […]

June 18, 2014

Traits of Successful Salespeople

An important trait to instill in yourself is this: Don’t think in terms of sales but rather in terms of building a business. Great salespeople are building a business, not just trying to make a sale. When you think beyond a sale, you’re going to get other people’s attention much more easily. They’re going to be interested in what you have to say. You want something that’s going to live and go beyond a single sale. Successful people are persistent. Cydcor […]