Category: Development

March 13, 2015

How Success Begins in the Morning

Cydcor is the recognized leader in outsourced sales services. Learn more about Cydcor by checking us out on Facebook. Not many people love it, and almost no one just likes it. Waking up early to catch the worm on a regular basis is not the easiest thing in the world. However, there are countless benefits to waking up earlier than scheduled, having a healthy morning routine can all be the first step to reaching success. Get started today with these […]

March 5, 2015

Why Authenticity Matters in Sales

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” – Douglas Adams, author When you look to offer a service or product for consumption or use, you want to offer your clientele something that you believe in, and that has been created with authenticity. A well-treated customer who has been approached with care and earnestness is a customer who feels appreciated—and it is these customers that are […]

February 26, 2015

Cydcor’s Guide on Communicating More Clearly

Having clear and excellent communication skills is crucial for any business professional. A person must be able to articulate exactly what they mean if they want work to get done correctly. You may think you have a genius idea, but if you can’t articulate it well, it will be difficult for your team to jump aboard. Communicating clearly can make all facets of business a little easier. Here are a few tips to regularly communicate more concisely: Brainstorm the Idea […]

February 20, 2015

Life Hacks for Right-Brain Thinkers

Cydcor recently wrote on Life Hacks for Left-Brain Thinkers, but what about those of us who identify as “right-brain” thinkers? People who excel in creative arts, love to experiment and tinker and learn better when things are explained visually are considered “right-brain” dominant. However, along with these positive attributes, right brain dominant individual are often thought to be easily distracted and unorganized. Being a visual-spatial learner means your brain learns best through visual clues and observation. Long, complicated mathematical problems […]

February 17, 2015

Life Hacks for Left-Brain Thinkers

Those who identify as “left-brain” thinkers tend to be more on the analytic and logical side of the spectrum of thought. Law, finance, engineering and the sciences are some of the many industries that those analytical types tend to fall into. But in an age of innovation, those more systematic thinkers might need a kick-start for creativity to keep up. While there are distinct verbal and analytic styles of thinking associated with different hemispheres of the brain, that doesn’t mean […]

February 9, 2015

Top Success Quotes—and What They Mean For You

“If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.” -Ray Kroc, businessman Money is not the be-all and end-all of success. First, love what you are doing and take full gratification in pledging yourself entirely to your work and the needs of your client or business. This outlook on your work can transform the level of success and happiness you achieve […]

January 29, 2015

Ways to Squash Stress

When it comes to handling stress on the job, studies have found that 90% of top performers in the workplace are able to overcome negative reactions by managing their emotions in times of stress. The odd thing about stress is that it is an imperative feeling to have in order to make decisions, as our brains are wired in the way where it may be difficult for one to take action if not under at least some level of this […]

January 14, 2015

Lessons on Leadership from Musicians

Musical leaders are responsive and energetic, always aware of changes in their own industry, adapting accordingly, and knowing what their audience understands and expects from them. There are a great many things one can take away from the stage into an office workplace. Adapt An old adage reads, “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” Musicians often have to respond to surprises and adversity, since music like freestyle and jazz is all about how you react and adapt. Making […]

January 8, 2015

Networking Fundamentals

Learn more about Cydcor at our website: To run successful business, it’s essential to reach out to prospective partners and clients on a regular basis. However, many of us dread the idea of walking into a room and introducing ourselves to strangers—so making those initial connections can be tough. Networking is a great opportunity to make business contacts and recruit new prospects. While it might seem like a difficult task, in reality it doesn’t have to be an uncomfortable experience. […]

December 31, 2014

3 Traits That Can Keep You Away From Success

In a business environment, we all try to put our best foot forward when interacting with our co-workers, managers and clients. However, not everyone is immune from traits that might be off-putting, either consciously or subconsciously. In order to achieve long-term happiness and achievement, it is critical to be self-aware of not only your best traits, but also of ones that need improvement. Negative Thinking A lot of pessimists in the world consider themselves realists rather than “negative minded thinkers.” […]