Category: Business Insights

September 22, 2016

The Best Ways to Encourage Team Loyalty

The best way to build your business is to gather a loyal team around you. If your team is solid and trusts your leadership, their productivity and morale will be high, even through the hard times. So, what can you as a leader do to encourage your team to be loyal to you? Here are some tips from the experts. Build your team’s cohesiveness Team-building activities will encourage your direct reports to feel as though they fit in with you […]

August 31, 2016

Key Ingredients to a Productive Office Environment

A happy and engaged employee is a productive employee. While everyone has different ideas about what constitutes a productive and proactive office environment, there are a multitude of ingredients that make up a team of focused and hardworking employees. Being more productive at work could be the key when it comes to getting your team on the same page. Consider the following examples of how to make your office environment strong and productive: Culture. Personality is a very important factor in […]

May 1, 2015

Managing Company Pages on Social Media

Cydcor here, for all your business, sales, and leadership advice! The amount of companies and brands on social media continues to grow. A large part of reaching an online audience requires excellent social media skills, and companies only hire the best to represent their online interests. The following are a few tips to remember when managing a company profile on social media, and how you can grow your company page into something bigger and noteworthy. Consistency is Key Posting on […]

April 17, 2015

Toxic Employee Traits That Can Slow Progress

Most people will find themselves from time-to-time not performing up to their potential. It’s usually one or two things holding them back, and with the right coaching and mentoring, they can correct their flaws. When finding these types of toxic employee traits, it’s important to realize they can be fixed. Office leaders must work with their team to get rid of these flaws and improve on overall performance. A team that focuses on ridding themselves of the following toxic employee […]

December 10, 2013

Tips for A Holiday Office Party

cydcor holiday

Tips for A Holiday Office Party Team member happiness and engagement is a priority at Cydcor (have you seen our Cydcor Harlem Shake video?).  As office party experts, we wanted to share some tips to make your office party a success.  Planning a holiday office party doesn’t have to be stressful. These suggestions could make your holiday party one of the best ever! Have food that everyone can enjoy. It can’t all be sweets. Have food that can accommodate all […]