3 Tips Successful Salespeople Swear By

The difference between successful and unsuccessful salespeople has less to do with what they say, and more to do with how they frame the situations in front of them. Emulate the greats by getting into the habit of doing these 3 things.
Success in Sales Tip #1: Be a regular person
If you think of yourself as a salesperson, your customer is going to treat you like a salesperson—and guess what: Most people don’t like salespeople! Instead, frame your interactions as regular conversations between two people. Don’t put on an act; don’t speak in a tone of voice you wouldn’t normally use. Focus on listening carefully, displaying genuine empathy, and making the other person feel as comfortable as possible.
Frame your interactions with customers as regular conversations between two people. Don’t put on an act; don’t speak in a tone of voice you wouldn’t normally use. Click To TweetWhen customers view you as just a salesperson—rather than a fellow human being—they’re more inclined to believe you don’t have their best interests at heart. However, when you’re able to behave naturally and be relatable, it becomes much easier to establish natural rapport, which in turn makes it possible to build trust and work toward your success in sales.
Success in Sales Tip #2: Get to the bottom of “no”
Even if this is your first day selling, you know that you’re supposed to overcome objections. But there are alternative ways to think of this.
Issue the following challenge to yourself: Always walk away from a prospect with 1 of 2 things—a sale or a true understanding of why the customer didn’t buy. (Hint: There’s a difference between a reason and an excuse.)
When someone says they don’t want to buy, simply set out to learn more. Successful salespeople don’t just move on, and they don’t lead with trying to change the person’s mind, either. Remember the advice in tip number 1: Be a regular person. Step into the other person’s shoes. Focus on asking great questions and actively listening to the customer’s responses.
By digging deeper when you get a shallow no, you’ll end up uncovering a lot about a customer’s motivations—their problems, challenges, what they’re looking for, what they’re not looking for, and maybe even past experiences with other vendors. The result? You’ll start turning many would-be nos into yeses—and success in sales.
Success In Sales Tip #3: Master your own body language
Successful salespeople are hyper-aware of their body language and tone of voice. They have a sense of how they’re being perceived, and they’re strategic about using their physical presence to advance a conversation.
Successful salespeople have a sense of how they’re being perceived, and they’re strategic about using their physical presence to advance a conversation. Click To TweetAmateurs, on the other hand, don’t necessarily realize that their hands are in their pockets or that they shifted their weight when asked a difficult question. They aren’t aware, per se, that they’re swaying while speaking, that their eye contact is inconsistent, that they’re frowning or over-smiling. Folks with less success in sales are generally unaware of how they are coming across.
If you want to become maximally successful in sales, you need to develop an extreme sense of self-awareness and the ability to quickly adapt your body language to the customer and situation. (Hint: Try videoing yourself practice-pitching or ask a colleague for feedback.) It’s important to realize that simply saying all of the right things isn’t enough to become great. It’s up to you to master your own body language so that it becomes a controllable part of the sales process.
What habits have helped you see more success in sales? Share them with Cydcor in the comments below.
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We are Cydcor, the recognized leader in outsourced sales and marketing services located in Agoura Hills, California. From our humble beginnings as an independent sales company to garnering a reputation for consistently exceeding client expectations and driving outstanding revenue growth, Cydcor has been helping Fortune 500 and emerging companies achieve their customer acquisition, retention, and business goals since 1994. Cydcor takes pride in the unique combination of in-person sales, call center, and digital marketing services we offer to provide our clients with proven sales and marketing strategies that get results.