The Importance of Rest and Relaxation

Recent research has revealed that people perform better at work and in life if we practice strategic renewal. If you’re rundown you’re more susceptible to getting sick and miss days from work.
You need to get more sleep during the week, scheduling daytime workouts, eat healthy foods, and enjoy rest and relaxation away from the office with your team members whenever possible.
These simple changes in behavior are guaranteed to improve your attitude about work your performance at work—and maybe even your beach volleyball skills.
Humans aren’t designed to run on high level without having a period of rest and relaxation. You need a time for renewal. It allows you to relax and rejuvenate your mind and body.
That’s why Cydcor’s R&R Cancun 2015 is such an important event. It celebrates your accomplishments and reminds us all that we need to take a moment to stop and smell the frangipani.
Here are some of the specific benefits of rest and relaxation whether you’re on the beach or in your own backyard:
Restores your energy: You need to recharge you batteries in order perform at peak effectiveness throughout the day. Rest and relaxation is part of your work cycle and taking advantage of it whenever possible will improve your productivity.
Repairs your body: Our bodies repair themselves from daily wear and tear when we rest. Rest and relaxation reduces stress and improves overall health. You’ll be able to easily work a full day.
Improves your focus: An active mind gets tired just like an active body. Including time to quiet your thoughts and letting your mind rest is part of the healing process. You’ll improve your ability to concentrate and problem solve at work.
Improves your mood: Relaxation makes you feel happier. When you choose to think about things that make you feel good, you’ll discover that you actually feel more positive about the challenges you face at work. You’ll begin to see obstacles as opportunities.
Increases your creativity: Too much stress and activity often disconnect you from your creative potential. Rest and relaxation will allow you to regenerate as an individual and as a team. Your ability to create and innovate as a team member and as a cohesive group will be improved when you return to work.
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