Cydcor Reviews ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow’ by Daniel Kahneman
Here’s Cydcor’s review of ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow’ by Daniel Kahneman!
About Thinking, Fast and Slow: Thinking, Fast and Slow is written by Daniel Kahneman, a renowned psychologist and winner of the Noble Prize in Economics. This book is also the winner of the National Academy of Science Best Book Award in 2012.  Kahneman takes us through a tour of the mind and explain the two systems that drive the way we think. He explains the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning our next vacation—each of these can be understood only by knowing how our minds shape our judgments and decisions.
Why Cydcor recommends this book to future leaders: Thinking, Fast and Slow takes the reader on a very gentle tour during which he or she will see the pitfalls of inner workings of the mind. Kahneman’s text is a very fluent page-turner, and without diving into deep and obscure details of academic journals, it gives a very good overview of one of the most important and radical research programs of the 20th century.
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Our favorite part: Kahneman introduces two mental systems: one is fast and the other slow. Together, they shape our impressions of the world around us and help us make choices. System 1 is largely unconscious and it makes snap judgments based upon our memory of similar events and our emotions. System 2 is painfully slow, and is the process by which we consciously check the facts and think carefully and rationally.