Why Cydcor is A Best Place to Work

Why Cydcor is A Best Place to Work
By Vera Quinn, Chief Operating Officer
What makes a great company? We can answer that – according to the recent Best Places to Work assessment sponsored by the Los Angeles Business Journal.
Cydcor ranked in the top 100 companies to work for in Los Angeles County – coming in 38th best of mid-sized companies. There are thousands of companies of our size in Los Angeles County and many of them participated in this year’s competition. As you can imagine, the LA list is quite popular. The list is in its seventh year and has grown significantly, attracting employers from all over Los Angeles County. We are proud to have been named once again!
We are doing even more with the following in the works:
· Resource staffing plans – working with departments to properly resource for success
· Performance management – a new performance appraisal process
· Compensation study – researching pay by position and responsibilities to ensure we align with the market
· Program for our people – including development of consistent onboarding, training and development programs
So, while we never rest on our accomplishments – there is a lot to make our families proud, our friends jealous, and us feel great!

Everyone can do his or her part on how to make the office a great place. Keeping a positive attitude, creating professional development goals and keeping communication lines open.
As the dominant market leader in outsourced face-to-face sales, Cydcor’s capabilities and approach to doing business are like our team members: truly unique! As someone who started with Cydcor over 17 years ago, I am honored to be part of a company that is getting recognition to be a great place to work. We are proud of our team members, and I know that we will only continue to grow stronger with all the great people we have here.
To learn more about Vera Quinn, take a look at our executive team biographies.