Cydcor Expands Retail Marketing Focus
Extending its results-proven excellence in outsourced sales services, Cydcor is expanding services into the retail channel through in-store marketing initiatives designed to improve client customer engagement and sales results.
Growing client interest in Cydcor’s retail expertise requires the company to add resources and expand to meet retailer needs. Cydcor offices grow top-line sales results through in-store marketing programs, incorporating innovative strategies and leveraging Cydcor’s experience in outsourced face-to-face sales engagements on behalf of market leaders.
“Cydcor delivers sales results, and our capable marketing representatives know how to engage, motivate and win new customers for our clients in a range of environments, including in-store,” said Jim Majeski , Cydcor President. “The outstanding experience and performance of Cydcor’s retail sales teams provide a unique marketing package that is measurable and that efficiently produces results.”
“In a challenging economy, retailers must focus on improving the end-to-end shopping experience and winning customer loyalty,” said Randy Alleyne, Cydcor Vice President of Retail. “Cydcor provides well-trained, retail-branded representatives to help make that happen through quality, results-oriented in-store customer engagements.”
Cydcor meets full service, seasonal support and niche product needs through store-within-a store models. After engaging with Cydcor, territory management teams and retail product experts collaborate with client staff to identify objectives and expectations, and then create and implement scalable, custom programs that translate customer engagement and service into sales.
“In everything we do, Cydcor is focused on serving customers with excellence, serving our clients with distinction and generating results,” Majeski said. “Our in-store retail support complements the outsourced face-to-face sales work we do that continues to earn us accolades, and achieve results for our clients.”
Last year, Cydcor earned top honors overall for Sales and Marketing Outsourcing in Brown-Wilson Group/Datamonitor “The Black Book of Outsourcing” 2009 annual survey. Among other elite vendor and performance ranking honors, Cydcor earned the survey’s highest overall client satisfaction, ranking at 93 percent. Cydcor placed first in 9 of 18 key performance indicators evaluated as part of the annual survey. In four “vendor function” categories, Cydcor earned top honors in two categories: 1) sales team outsourcing and 2) sales support service.
Cydcor is recruiting talented salespeople to support new in-store marketing initiatives. Interested candidates should send a resume to