7 Entrepreneur Quotes to Motivate and Inspire

Being an entrepreneur takes passion, persistence and perseverance to weather the highs and lows of starting and growing a successful business. The journey can grueling but rewarding if you have the will and stamina to go the distance. When you feel like you’ve hit a wall, dig deep to stay motivated and keep putting one foot in front of the other until you reach your goal.
Need a mental boost? Whether you’re a seasoned pro or an aspiring business owner, check out these inspirational quotes for entrepreneurs to refuel your inner reserves and kick your performance up a notch.
- “Our decisions, big or small, will pave the way to the success we want to achieve.”
– Vera Quinn, President, Cydcor
Your success lies entirely in your hands. The world’s most accomplished people have the capacity to thrive despite setbacks and attain ambitious goals. Understand what it takes to achieve the success you desire and put in real effort to earn it. Every decision you make and action you take can get you to where you want to be. The only person who can determine how far you go, is you.
- “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
– Walt Disney, founder Disney
Successful entrepreneurs don’t wait around for opportunities; they seek and seize them. They possess a confident and driven mindset, act decisively, and fearlessly take on challenges that may keep others from even trying. Thinking and acting like an entrepreneur can help you do better, aim higher, and go further on the path to success.Resilience, the mental toughness and emotional strength to recover quickly from adversity, is a trait of exceptional achievers. So, worry less about doing things the safe way and focus more on finding your own way to break new ground.CLICK TO TWEET
- “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.”
– Richard Branson, founder Virgin Group
Entrepreneurs understand that falling flat on your face and getting right back up is the secret to success. People afraid of failing may rely on rules and tried-and-true methods in the search for a surefire recipe for success. But anyone who has won big knows that there’s no reward without risk. Resilience, the mental toughness and emotional strength to recover quickly from adversity, is a trait of exceptional achievers. So, worry less about doing things the safe way and focus more on finding your own way to break new ground.
- “The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake — you can’t learn anything from being perfect”
– Adam Osborne, innovator of the first portable computer
Every great discovery, invention, or achievement has countless failed experiments behind it. Making big, bold bets that could fall short and are vital to succeeding in business at every level. If you embrace them, hardships and mistakes along the way can make you stronger and smarter — and your success that much sweeter.
- “The fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be.”
– Reid Hoffman, co-founder LinkedIn
If you want to be successful, surround yourself with successful people. We tend to mirror the energy, attitude and demeanor of those around us. Watch and learn from people who set a positive tone and demonstrate the mindset for success through confidence, mental fortitude, emotional maturity, and perseverance when things get tough.Whatever distractions and difficulties come your way, remember why you get up every morning and focus on what truly matters. The payoff is worth it.CLICK TO TWEET
- “Success is not in what you have, but who you are.”
– Bo Bennett, founder eBookit.com
Success isn’t just how much you earn or what title you hold, but also how much you’ve learned, grown, and moved closer to fulfilling your “why” — that unshakeable inner purpose that motivates and drives you. Whatever distractions and difficulties come your way, remember why you get up every morning and focus on what truly matters. The payoff is worth it.
- “Idealism is wanting to do the right thing. Character is doing it.”
– Gary Polson, CEO, Cydcor
Doing the right thing is a sign of character and the foundation of any success worth having. Character means not compromising your integrity to win at all costs. It means keeping your word and delivering what you promise. It also means telling the truth, rather than embellishing facts or withholding information, and taking responsibility for mistakes. Finally, it means caring about people and lending a hand when they need help. With character, you’ll gain respect, trust, and influence that can win friends and fans for life.
If you need a spark of motivation, just remember these inspiring entrepreneur quotes on what it takes to succeed — empathy for others, decisive action, resilience, courage to fail, a mindset for success, inner purpose, and strong character.
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We are Cydcor, the recognized leader in outsourced sales and marketing services located in Agoura Hills, California. From our humble beginnings as an independent sales company to garnering a reputation for consistently exceeding client expectations and driving outstanding revenue growth, Cydcor has been helping Fortune 500 and emerging companies achieve their customer acquisition, retention, and business goals since 1994. Cydcor takes pride in the unique combination of in-person sales, call center, and digital marketing services we offer to provide our clients with proven sales and marketing strategies that get results.